Last Updated: April 9, 2022

Baseline Project Workflow

The baseline in Microsoft Project captures all timing information, such as the duration of a task and where it is scheduled in time. In addition, baselining captures:

  • All cost information for each task, calculated from resource assignments, fixed costs, and manually entered cost.

  • All work information is calculated from resource assignments or manually entered.

The workflow associated with setting the baseline would include not only using the baseline feature in Microsoft Project but also fixing the project objectives and the structure of the project plan—at least the major deliverables and milestones.

Microsoft Project does not baseline the scope of the project or the Work Breakdown Structure. There is a project comparison feature in the software that can be used to identify missing or added data but this is not related to the baseline.

In addition, other information in the various notes fields, or what is captured other Microsoft Project fields or custom fields are not captured in the baseline.   

Conduct a Final Review

Create a checklist of activities that need to be completed before baselining the project. Determine items that need to be baselined and how those items will be stored. For instance, how will the project objectives and charter be baselined and stored?

Determine the process for comparing the current project with the original project. The timing, cost, and work of the project and for each task can be baselined in Microsoft Project. Still, if changes to the project, such as added or deleted tasks or resources, those essential changes are not recognized as part of the baseline. However, the original project plan can be saved after setting the baseline and then compared against the current project using the Compare Projects feature.

Determine Process for Re-Baselining

Projects often change. Make sure that re-baselining follows a clear change management process that includes getting buy-in from all stakeholders. 

Baseline Timing, Cost, and Work

Set the baseline when the project is finalized, and you are ready to start the project. The project baseline consists of all timing, cost, and work information for tasks, resources, and assignments. Eleven baselines (Baseline and Baseline 1-10) can be set for the entire project or just for selected tasks. A baseline can also be copied to another baseline. For example, Baseline 2 can be copied to Baseline 8. Ten interim plans can also be set using the custom Start1-10/Finish1-10 fields. Interim plans are similar to baselines but contain only start and finish dates for tasks.